How To Set Up A Successfull PPC Campaign

how to set up a successful ppc campaign
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What You Have To Identify Before You Start


If you are going to have a successful PPC campaign, then one of the single most important things is your target demographic. You need to be sure that you are showing your adverts to the right people. You need to ensure that those viewers are going to convert and become buyers. Otherwise, you are just wasting your money.

Data is also something you must pay attention to is you want to succeed with your PPC campaign. The more data you collect, the more precise and efficient you can be with the way you spend money and the more guaranteed your ROI will be.

For small business owner it is very important to be found online. One way is to spend a fair amount of time performing SEO but also setting up a PPC campaign.


How To Identify Your Buyer Persona?

By properly profiling who your buyer is, you can that way create a better advertising campaign that will result in more sales. Your PPC campaign will also be more successful.

So how do you don that?

The Basic Demographics

To start with, you need to consider the most basic factors that makeup demographics. That means categorizing your potential buyers in terms of their age, their sex, and their location.

» Who buys the products that you sell?
» Are they young or old?
» Do they have a big income or a small one?

To a large extent, this will be obvious – for instance, if you are selling wedding dresses, then you can safely assume that your target demographic is female. In other cases though, the demographic might be both or it might not easily fall into one category.

So what can you do in this case to make sure that you are targeting the right person?

One way to do this is with a little market research. You can look at the metrics of who has bought from you so far for example, or you can simply survey your visitors. Who is it that buys from you? Likewise, you might be able to find information about other products or brands that are similar to yours.

You can also ascertain a fair amount by looking at your web stats. If you have Google Analytics set up, or you have web stats on WordPress, then you can see what people are searching but also the location they are coming from and even how long each person stays on your site!

The Persona

But this does yet give you your full buyer ‘persona’. That is because a person is more than just a collection of statistics; a persona is an entire fictional biography based on what a person likes. What their hobbies are, and more. You need to try and get inside the mind of that person to better understand what they might want to spend their money on. Where they will be at any given time and what they will be likely search for.

To do this, it can help to have an idea of the ‘why’ behind what you do. Make sure your brand has a mission statement and think about what it is you want to achieve as company. When you do this, you’ll then be able to find people who believe what you believe and who are like-minded. These are going to be your long-term customers with longer lifetime customer value. That means they are the ones you want to advertise to get the beery best ROI in the long term.



Use A PPC Campaign To Build Your Brand

The most obvious way to use a PPC campaign is to try and make sales. When you place PPC adverts on Google or Bing, you are paying per click. This means you can calculate precisely how much each visitor to your site is costing you and that means in turn that you can work out whether or not you are likely to make a profit.

In other words, look at your number of visitors in a given timeframe, look at the amount of money you make in that timeframe and then calculate an income per visitor. That is how much you can afford to spend on a PPC campaign.

The Power Of Brand

Except is it? Because not every visitor to your site is going to of course buy from you the very first time the visit your site. Much better for you, would be to build your brand an to build trust up to the point where you can sell a ‘big ticket item’, such as an expensive course or a retreat. If you can do this, you can make much more per customer over time.

Likewise, it might be that by exposing people to your brand, you are later better able to sell to them the next time they visit your site.

The only problem is that it is much harder to quantify the value of a brand and to know how much to spend on this kind of advertising. So what do you do?

Free Exposure

One thing to keep in mind is that you can use a PPC advert and a PPC campaign to get free exposure if no one clicks on it. Remember: this is pay per click. So no clicks equal no payment. But just because no one clicked on you ad, that doesn’t mean no one saw it and no one noticed it subliminally.

That means if you design a PPC advert with a heading and a description that people are less likely to click on, you can build a lot more visibility for your brand!

The other thing you can do is to use PPC by carefully choosing your search term. Normally, the keywords chosen are picked to try and directly sell the product. The example often used is ‘buy hats online’. Buy hats online is a keyword people will search if they are trying to buy hats there and then.

But instead, consider making your keyword something that is not sales-oriented. For instance: ‘improving VO2 max’. Perhaps you sell cycle helmets; this is the perfect way to reach and talk with the very same audience. People who want to increase their VO2 max may well cycle and that means they might need cycle helmets.

This is all about knowing your ‘why’. That means knowing why it is your business exists and what it hopes to accomplish. If you understand this, then you can find other people who will believe in your brand and want the same thing. Once you can do that, then you can find people who will likely become loyal followers and fans.


How To Find The Best Keywords

What makes a great PPC campaign? What makes the difference between a waste of cash that you never get back and a PPC campaign that you can use to continuously keep growing and scaling your organization?

While there are a lot of factors, you could certainly make the argument that one of the most important of these is the keywords. Your keywords are of course the search terms that you are going to target. With both Google AdWords and Bing Ads, you are going to be advertising in such a way that your ads end up showing on search engine results pages for specific searches. You can then choose precisely which searches bring up your adverts and this is going to impact how sees the ads and what difference is make for your success.

So the question is: how do you go about picking the right keywords? What is the difference between a good keyword and a bad one?

Let’s take a closer look….

The Basics

The basics idea behind your keyword choice is that you are going to try and ensure that the phrase you pick is one that the right people are going to be looking for. Who are the right people? Of course, they are the ones who are most likely to buy your product.

This is also how Facebook Ads Work – it lets you choose the type of person you want to target by looking at the details they fill out such as their age, sex, location, and even hobbies and interests. The difference with a search term is that it is also time-sensitive. In other words, a search term will have a bigger impaction your eventual profits because you are showing ads to someone at the precise time that someone is actually looking for your site.

For example, if you are trying to sell hats, then your search term would be ‘buy hats online’. That means you are not only targeting people who want hats but you are also targeting people who want hats now.

So when picking keywords, think about who and when.

Negative Keywords

One way you can make this a little more precise is to try and avoid certain search terms from showing your ads. This is what is known as a ‘negative keyword’ and a good example of this might be  the word ‘free’. You don’t want people to click on your ad if they researching for free stuff, because they won’t be likely to want to buy anything off you – and that means they are costing you money without earning you anything back.

Keyword Research

More important still is to do your research.

That means looking to find out just how often certain keywords get searched for. For instance, some phrases that might at the first sound popular end up being surprisingly unpopular. This meaning of course that no one ever searches for them and thus they won’t bring any visitors.

Likewise, you also need to research the amount of competition for each keyword and aim for the term that aren’t saturated!




Before you put your PPC campaign live you have to do some work if you want it to succeed.

The first thing you should do is to identify your buyer persona. This is probably the most important thing because if you don’t know who your buyer is, you don’t know how to advertise for. For whom you ad should turn to. You should also find out the demographics of your PPC ad.

The keywords should not be underestimated either. To find the best keywords you can use Google Keywordplanner or other tools for searching for the best keywords. A good idea is to use negative keywords. This can rule out that people you don’t want to click on your ad do so.


Here are some Keyword Tools you can use:

Keyword Tool







Mangools KWFinder





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