Best Newbie Pinterest For Business Strategy

pinterest for business strategy for newbies
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Why Should You Use Pinterest?


Want to start experiencing the benefits of Pinterest for business? Wondering whether Pinterest would be a good platform to sign up for your business?

Like all social media sites, it has some pretty great benefits for businesses when used correctly. This image-based site has millions of users from across the globe. So, let’s take a look at some of the reasons it can be a great platform for your business.

Before you get started, you’re going to need to create a business account. But most people sign up with a personal account, not realizing there is a business account option.
However, did you know that it’s actually against Pinterest rules to use a personal account for business?


Before You Start

When you are using Pinterest for business, how often should you pin? This is a common question that businesses have, particularly if they aren’t seeing much in the way of results.

The truth is, you’ll find a lot of conflicting advice out there.  Having said that, there are some general guidelines you can follow.

How Often Should I Pin?

According to experts, 10-11 pins a day is the recommended number you should be posting. If you’re posting around 30 pins a day, this could be seen as excessive, whereas 3 pins a day would be seen as too few.

It’s much more important to post consistently, rather than worrying about how many you are posting. Pinterest recognizes consistent posters. As long as you are sharing high-quality content, Pinterest will start increasing your number of impressions.

How Many Boards Should I Have?

The majority of businesses have between 30-50 boards. You’ll want to try to offer a range of different content to your audience. Boards should be separated into different topics, allowing users to find what they are looking for much more easily.

For example, if you sell clothing you could have boards for each different type of clothing you sell. You could also have a board for industry-related news and a board offering clothing tips. The more boards you have, the larger the audience you are going to draw.

How Many Pins Will I Need To Get Started?

If you are just getting started on Pinterest for business, ideally, you’ll want to create 20-30 pins initially. It’s best to work with a cohesive style. That way, you’ll simply need to switch out the text and the image and the pins will maintain the same style and design.

Does Every Pin Need To Be Original?

The answer to this is no. In fact, it’s best to focus on 50% posts and 50% curated content. With curated content, this is basically where you pin content from others on the platform. The curated content should relate to your niche and what you sell. The advantage of sharing this content is that others could start doing it for you too, advertising your pins on their boards.

When you are just starting out, you may need to focus on posting more curated content than the original. That’s absolutely fine; just do what feels right for your business.

Should I Delate Pins?

When you do post a pin and it receives very little interest, it can be disheartening. Previously, it has been recommended that you delete pins that didn’t generate a lot of interest. However, you really don’t need to do that anymore. It’s a myth that pins with little engagement will damage your brand. All deleting the post will do is reduce the number of pins you have.

So, when it comes to how often you should pin for business, around 10-11 times a day is recommended. don’t forget you can take advantage of scheduling tools to set pins to be posted automatically.


What Makes A Good Pin?

When it comes to creating pins, there are methods you can use to make them stand out. You are up against a lot of competition on the platform, so making your pins stand out from the crowd is essential.

The question is, what makes a good pin?

Here, you’ll discover the key things you need to know to create effective pins for your business.

Use An Inspiring Image

The image you use for your pin will make a big difference in how successful it is. You’ll need to make sure you are using an inspiring image that encourages people to click on the content within.

Think of your pins as your portfolio. You want people to save them, which means they need to be visually appealing.

Add A Description To Your Pins

Another thing you’ll want to include is a description. Now, you might notice that many pins on the site don’t come with a description. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to add one.

Adding a description to your pins and your boards can give them a lot more context. It can also help to drive a lot more traffic, reach, and engagement on your pins. So, what type of information should you include in the description?

Your business name and a call-to-action are the main things to add. You should also give a brief, concise description of what the pin is about. Here you can include relevant keywords to help optimize the pin.

Focus On Attribution

One thing you need to think about when you’re posting on Pinterest is attribution. When you are using someone else’s content, be sure to credit when you post.

Similarly, you’ll need to protect your own pins to prevent them from being stolen. Adding your branding to your pins is the best way to stop them from being used by another business or individual. You can also clearly state the credit that needs to be given if any of your pins are used by third parties.

This really helps to build up trust on the platform. As you share other people’s work and give them credit, they are more likely to give you credit too.

Don’t Forget Your Call-to-Action

All pins should have some type of call-to-action. Whether it is to visit your website, follow your account, or sign up for your regular newsletter, make sure you tell your audience what is expected of them.

Pins aren’t going to be effective if they don’t contain a clear call-to-action. By including a call-to-action in both the description of the pin and within the pin itself, it increases its effectiveness.

These are some of the main things that make a good pin. It’s important to familiarize yourself with how to design the bet pins if you want them to be saved and shared with others. There are a lot of mistakes you can make too, so be sure to research the common mistakes businesses make when they first start using Pinterest for business.


Why Pinterest For Business

Like all social media sites, it has some pretty great benefits for your businesses when used correctly.

The image-based site has millions of users from across the globe. So, let’s take a look at some of the reasons it can be a great platform for your business.

Reaching Existing And New Customers

As of 2019, Pinterest has 322 million active monthly users. In just one year, its user base grew by 30%. It is one of the biggest social media sites in the world, giving you access to a huge range of potential new customers.

You’ll also find a lot of your existing customers are on the platform. This gives you the opportunity to build up a reputation quickly as your existing customers will subscribe and interact with your posts.

One of the best things about Pinterest is that its users are much more engaged than they are on other social media platforms. With Facebook and Twitter, for example, it’s all about getting followers. However, on Pinterest, users are much more likely to share your content, giving you much greater exposure.

Helping You To Identify Key Trends

Pinterest isn’t just great at helping you attract and engage with customers; it can also help out to identify key trends. Delivering fresh content that your audience wants is crucial to your success. In order to do this, you need to know what’s trending.

There is a tool you can use on the site which shows you the top trends in the US. It also shows you what time search queries for the biggest trends typically take place. This can greatly help with your marketing efforts as you’ll not only know what to market but also when to post in order to gain the most exposure.

Driving Traffic To Your Site.

Another reason to sign up for Pinterest is that it can drive a lot more traffic to your website. Did you know the platform can drive more traffic to your website than the other social media sites available?

However, in order to drive traffic to your site, you need to be delivering great content. So, while Pinterest does have the potential to drive a lot more traffic your way, it all depends upon how successful your posts are.

Great For Smaller Businesses

Pinterest is great for smaller businesses as it doesn’t focus on brands. That is, users aren’t just searching for well-known businesses and products. This gives smaller, unknown brands just as much of a chance at success on the platform as bigger businesses.

These are just some of the top reasons why you should use Pinterest for your business. It can deliver a lot of great benefits, including helping you to grow your business and develop a loyal and engaged fanbase. However, remember that you’ll only experience these benefits if you know how to use Pinterest properly.


Important Terminology For The Novice

Like any social media platform, Pinterest has its own set of terminology. There are a lot of terms associated with the site that you’ll need to familiarize yourself with before you get started.

So, let’s take a look at some of the most important terminology for the Pinterest novice.

Pins, Pinners And Pinning

The most common pieces of the terminology you’ll come across on Pinterest are “pins”, “pinners” and “pinning”. You’ll quickly discover that pins are everything on the platform. They are images or infographics that you click on to reveal the content.

Pinners are basically users of the site who post pins, while pinning refers to adding a pin to your collection.

Pin It Button

The “Pin It” button is found on all pins on the platform. It is a website button that users click on to add the pin to their Pinterest boards. If you will be adding your own pins as a business, you’ll need to include the Pin It button on all of your posts.


On the platform, pins are saved on boards. You can either create and name your own boards or use suggested boards when saving a pin. Most boards are set to be automatically public. However, you can also create private boards that only you can see.

Promoted Pins

When you are a business user on Pinterest, you need to know about promoted pins. These are the equivalent of Facebook’s paid ads. You can choose to promote your pins in order to generate a higher reach. You’ll also have access to the enhanced match feature, providing more accurate match conversions.

Rich Pins

Another term to learn as a business user is “rich pins”. These include extra metadata on the pin and there are four different types you can create. Choose from articles, products, apps, or recipe rich pins.

Pinterest Tag

If you want to measure the success of your pins, you’ll need to pay attention to Pinterest Tag. This is a feature that enables you to see exactly what people do on your site after interacting with your promoted pins. This helps you to see how effective your promoted pins are, and you’ll learn a lot more about your audience.

Actalike Audience

Actalike Audience is one of the most useful features on Pinterest. It identifies people who might be interested in your brand based on your existing audience. It will find new people you can market to by gathering data and behavioral information of Pinterest users.

Pinterest Tag Helper

This is a Google Chrome extension that can help you to make sure you have set up your tag correctly. This will ensure you are getting the best results from your pins. It also ensures that the Enhanced match feature is using the right data.

These are some of the most important terminologies you need to know when setting up on Pinterest. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the lingo if you want to successfully connect with your audience. The more you use Pinterest, the quicker you’ll get to know all of its unique terms.


Wrapping Up

So, there you have it – some of the best Pinterest tips to get the most out of a Pinterest business account. It is important to monitor your performance regularly on social media and even so Pinterest. It’s the only way to determine what is and what isn’t working. This will then allow you to change your strategy if needed in order to achieve the best results and finally succeed.



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