Twitter Marketing Tips For Beginners

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Why Twitter Should Be Your First Choice


When it comes to marketing, it is always good to have a social media presence and Twitter Marketing makes that very easy. It gives you the opportunity to interact with your consumers on a more personal level.

As a business owner, there are many ways you can use Twitter to your advantage. Whether you operate a large business or a small one, it can give your business an edge over the competition.

Whether you are an internet marketer, selling products or services, you can use Twitter to spread the word about what you have to offer. For example, it you have an online business you can post tweets to your followers about your latest projects and products.



Use Twitter To Market Your Business

Simply hearing that Twitter is a great marketing tool is nice, but like many internet marketers, you may be a little lost and confused when it comes to understanding why.

Some of the best reasons why you should start using Twitter as a marketing tool.

Reach a large market – There are well over 200 million active users on Twitter and it is rapidly growing in popularity every day. When it comes to marketing, this gives you almost instant access to a large audience of consumers who are interested in what you have to offer. While you won’t be able to communicate will all the members, the potential of reaching a targeted percentage of them is very powerful.
The first place to start is by making connections and building a list of followers. One place to start is to search Twitter for other users who are interested in the types of products and services you are. You can also search for members based on email address, name, and location.

Building a following and your brand – If you are new to Twitter, you should create your brand by simply by setting up a profile and building a list of followers.
Once you have set up your Twitter account you’ll want to work on your profile. Take time to customize the look and feel of your page so that if reflects the business you are in. Pay close attention to your bio, because this is what people will read before they decide whether they want to follow you.
You only have 160 characters  to describe who you are and what you do, so you have to make it good! You’ll also want to add a good profile picture and header photo to make your business attractive and memorable. You can find out more about that here!
Next, you’ll want to start growing your list of followers. Invite business friends, add social media and Twitter follow button on your pages and other pages with your profile.

Discreet advertising – While there are no rules against advertising on Twitter, there are rules against spam. For that reason, avoid sending large, bulky unsolicited advertisements. For example, encourage people to view your latest blog post, but do so no more than twice a day. Any more and your Tweets may be classified as spam.
To increase your success, cleverly write your Tweets. It is easy to make ads appear as if they aren’t even advertisements at all.

Keep in mind that when you tweet about what you have to offer, it is an easy way to create a buzz and generate interest. The more interesting you make your offers sound in your tweets, the more buzz you can generate and the more likely it will be that people comment and share/retweet your tweets worth their followers.



Pros And Cons Of Using Twitter For Marketing

Twitter can be a great marketing tool, but you still may be wondering if marketing your website, blog, offers or services through Twitter is a good idea. In most cases, it is, but as with all marketing methods, you should first familiarize yourself with the pros and cons.

  • The Pros – Twitter is massive. Before you start marketing your business on Twitter, you need to develop a list of contacts. You can start by looking for other members to follow and grow your list from there. If you are in the online business area, search for people and/or hashtags under online business. Follow people you think are interesting to follow.
    Tip: To improve your results, always aim for your target market when you are looking for people to follow.
    Your Tweets always go to your followers and your Twitter feed so people searching for you for example can see your feed. You can also send a direct message, and / or mention someone by using @username. You should always do this if you retweet someones tweet. If you want to know more, visit the Twitter Glossary. 
    Tweets are easy to create. They take less than a minute to write and send. But don’t let that fool you they can still be very effective when it comes to getting your products and service notices.
    Twitter has global reach. You can advertise your website, blog, product, service and offers to people all over the world. In terms of marketing, this gives you a lot of potential. You can use it to build brand recognition, drive traffic, generate interest, as well as increase sales.
  • The Cons – Many people use Twitter incorrectly and they end ups sounding too spamy. Twitter is about connecting with other users, not solely for soliciting sales online.
    Twitter is full of activity. Did you know that users generate over 300 million tweets a day, and most users follow hundreds if not thousands of profiles? This means if you if you only tweet once or twice a day, your tweet are quickly lost in your follower’s feeds.
    Twitter isn’t great for visual content, while it is evolving to include other forms of media it is still mostly text-based. If you want to share a lot of photos, Pinterest or Instagram may be a better idea.


Build Your Email List Through Twitter

Building a list os one of the most important things you can do to help grow your business and market your offers and products. What many people don’t realize is that Twitter is a great way to get more subscribers.

It is easy to build your list and get more subscribers through Twitter, all you have to do is Tweet out your squeeze page with your free gift like an eBook.

And of course, you must also write an interesting Tweet and add some relevant and popular hashtags. Twitter is one of the most effective ways to grow your email marketing business and get more subscribers. You don’t have to spend so much time in writing your Twitter post, and if you do it right you can get a lot of views. I always add an images of the eBook/offer in my Tweets to make it look more interesting.

Make sure the incentive you offer is relevant to the products and services you are promoting and tweeting about. For instance if you market home based business offers, promote an offer/eBook about this topic, not about how to make your car shiny.

Once everything is set up, you can start tweeting about what you have to offer on your squeeze page. The best about setting things up this way is that it allows you to tap into the massive amounts of traffic that Twitter receives in a more permanent way than just growing a list of followers on the network.


Improve Your Twitter Marketing Results

When it comes to improving your marketing results on Twitter, the most important thing you can do is always provide valuable content. In fact, providing information that has value is one of the best ways to grab attention and gain more followers.

It could be something as basic as a famous quote or tip on how to improve one’s life. People are more likely to follow somebody who has some helpful words and can be converted to customers once a bond has been established in the community.

  • Hashtags – Observe what is currently trending on Twitter and include the hashtags in your post. Of course, they will have to match your tweet, but having a popular hashtag can send your post trending and can be re-tweeted by others, which is what it’s all about. Using this as a marketing strategy can increase your post’s viewership apart from those who are following you.
    If one gets off the ground, create another one that has the same tag and add a link. Many people will gain access to your promotion if you are still popular. Avoid following thousands of people with the prospect of arousing interest. Instead, you’ll want to increase the number of people beating a trail down your promotional path and to accomplish this, you have to grab attention with the proper use of hashtags.
  • Don’t overuse links – On a regular basis, you can post a link to your blog or offers, but don’t get carried away. People who pepper their posts with marketing links will soon lose their following as tons of sales pitch choking up their page irritate people. They don’t want to wade through all that much to find interesting posts. they will just block you and you are finished. Get attention through interesting posts, and insert your links at random to get more chances of success.
  • Giveaways – Offering some giveaway or holding a contest that will require people to follow you is a smart way of boosting the number of those linking to you.
    Twitter is a potential goldmine if you know how to use it. Don’t come off as a spammer wo isn’t concerned with what people think. remember that you are building a community of interested followers. Be active online, re-tweet other posts, reply to people but don’t overdo the links and the sales pitch.



Why Retweet

Retweet is a common practice on Twitter. It is where you re-post someone else’s tweet that you like and you think your followers will like.

With this method, you take the original twitter message someone else has posted, and rebroadcast that same message to your followers. To do a re-tweet, simply type in RT at the beginning of your tweet and then a @ before the original tweeters username followed by their original tweet. You can also click on the retweet button ⇔  on the Twitter news feed, which will set up the RT function automatically.
Whenever you are broadcasting a message, you should definitely give credit to the original poster in the way I showed above. This will only not be good for the original tweeter, but retweet can actually benefit you just as much if not more and here are some very good reasons why you should start re-tweeting right away.

It provides value – When you provide value to your followers, you make them happy! You are also more likely to attract followers. Providing quality content is always a great way to build your business.

It benefits your brand – If you point a reader to a source if good information that is truly relevant and beneficial to them, the amount of trust that they have in you will increase.

It builds relationships – Retweet someone else’s content is an act of kindness, and for the most part bloggers like to return the favor. You shouldn’t expect someone to retweet your content just because you retweet theirs.
Retweet is all about providing value to your followers so of you want others to retweet your post then you want to make sure that you are providing them with quality content worth tweeting about.

Retweet is a great way to add quality and value to your Twitter page. If done right, retweet can help you educate your followers, build your personal brand, increase future traffic, and connect you to other great people in your niche.



Does & Don’ts’ & Common Mistakes

Do you want to use Twitter as a marketing tool? If so, it is important to proceed with caution. Developing a brand on Twitter is important, but if you are not careful, that brand could come with a bad reputation. So, what are the biggest Twitter dos and don’ts?

Don’t spam. Spam is a big violation on Twitter. You may find your account banned. Your name, website, and products and offers may also be attached to your messages, resulting in a bad reputation. Use clever forms of advertising.

Don’t pressure your followers to buy. Users don’t want to feel used; therefore, use clever forms of advertising, as there is less pressure.

Do include a link. When sending Twitter updates to followers, include a link. Don’t over abuse links, but use them to your advantage. Once again, it is important to be clever. Don’t spam your followers with advertisements highlighting your writing service rates. Instead, answer the Twitter question of what are you doing, like “Writing articles for a client.” Then, insert your link. You aren’t soliciting business, but making it know you work for hire.

Millions of people are using Twitter to connect with each other all over the world, but when it comes to using it for marketing there are some things you should avoid doing because it will hinder your chances of success.

Not using your picture as your profile avatar –  I’m sure you’ve seen it. Some users don’t post their real picture. Admittedly, a cartoon picture, or a cheaply made company logos is better than no picture at all. The best picture you can use if you want to make a good impression and get people to remember you is a photo of you. When you post your own picture it lets others know that you are real and that you are confident enough with what you do to let others see you.

Automatically sending the wrong type of direct message through an AutoDM – Direct messages can be seen as impersonal and pushy when they aren’t written properly. If you decide to use a tool that automatically send messages to your new followers keep it simple and friendly. A message saying “thanks for following me” is fine, but sending automated messages promoting your business or product is not a good idea and most instances people will click the unfollow button right away.

Trying to build a huge following before you have done some tweeting – People will not be interested in following you when they click on your Twitter page to see what you’ve got, and notice you don’t have much. You need to have tweeted more than, “Trying to figure this Twitter out” and “I think I’ve got it figured out now.” If you don’t know what to say, try retweet some other people’s’ tweets that are related to your niche. Read what other people are tweeting about. Talk about market related news, what you are doing on your business right now. That will give you several tweets to get the ball rolling.

Tweeting promotion after promotion – You are using Twitter to promote your business, but posting one offer after another will only cause people to unfollow you. Always remember, when you are using Twitter for marketing you must learn how to communicate and build good relationship with your followers before you start sending them promotions. Promotional tweets should only be sent in limited numbers.


This is just a few of all things you can do to market your online business through Twitter.


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