Tips To Become A Top Blogger In Your Niche

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Want to become a top blogger?

To become a top blogger you must make sure that you can inspire others to follow you and read your blog. And to do that you must learn how to blog. Being a top blogger means being an influencer and a thought leader. This means that you are having a channel and in this case a website, a website that people can rely on and trust.

If you want to become a top blogger and make a living writing about a subject that you love, you must be passionate. You must love what you are blogging about. Also, a great blog is nothing without a strong brand behind it. So, if you want your blog to be as successful as possible, then it is not enough that you simply think about your blog as a website.
Instead, you need to think about it as a movement. This means that people need to be so excited about your blog that they want to be a part of it and they want to feel as though they’ve been involved in something bigger.


How To Become A Top Blogger

Being a top blogger means being an influencer and a thought leader and it means having a channel – in this case, a website – that people rely on and trust.

Part of this comes down to the way that you present yourself. Many of the most successful blogs in the world are led by a strong personal brand. This means that there’s a personality behind them that people feel that they know and are inspired by.

What Is A Personal Brand?

If you ‘live the lifestyle that you are promoting through your blog, then you can become a living testimony. You will offer value to what you are promoting/blogging about and this way people will put more trust in you and want to listen to you more.

For example, if you have a fitness brand, then you should try to demonstrate to your audience that you are awesome. That you are in great shape and that it is fun doing what you are doing. You want to show how being fit and healthy makes you happier, more successful in business, and more successful.
Likewise, if you blog about travel, then you want to show how your lifestyle allows you to enjoy complete freedom and you want to share some of the incredible places you go.

That way, people will follow you on Instagram and on other social media network sites in order to live vicariously and they will be more inclined to want to buy from you when you tell them that you used X method in order to accomplish all of this.

But here’s the problem: simply having the lifestyle that your followers want is not necessarily going to be enough. What’s just as important is that you can show that you are generally a great role model and that people should sit up and take notice of you. In other words, you need to present yourself as a role model and as someone accomplished.

And that means you need to take care in your presentation.

Some Tips

This means that you need to start taking care of your teeth. You need to stay in good physical shape and you should probably consider spending a little more money on your clothes. This might all sound unimportant or even irrelevant to the topic of your blog. Especially if you’re writing about something completely unrelated like music.

But if you look strong and if you look healthy, more people will listen to you and will want to see your pictures.

In fact, if you take a look at a channel like Kinobody, you might notice that the owner Greg O Gallagher spends a lot of time focusing on his house and his car – and that he often wears great clothes. Did you know that Greg has a personal stylist and advisor who was hired for the channel?

This makes all the difference so start thinking about how you present yourself and what that means for your channel.

Choose A Mission Statement

It doesn’t start with your logo. In fact, a strong brand should start with a mission statement. This is essentially a promise to your audience and a goal that you will set for yourself. If you look at the mission statements of other blogs and channels, they will normally be things like
To help people get stronger in body and mind, day by day” or “To encourage and help people to live more harmoniously in nature while enjoying all the luxuries of the modern world

When you do this well, you will find that some of your potential audience is immediately alienated by your statement because it doesn’t appeal to them. This is important – the best blogs won’t appeal to everyone but will instead have only a limited appeal.

But for those few people who are interested in the ideas you’re putting forward, you will find that your blog is extremely appealing.

Creating Your Logo

Everything else should now follow from this. The idea is that your logo will evoke the same emotions and the same ideas that your mission statement describes. This way, when someone sees your logo they should instantly know what your site is about and therefore whether or not they are likely to be interested in it.

This is how you go about creating a brand and if you do it right, you’ll be able to connect with and inspire a specific audience in a way that no generic site called ‘GetAbs’ can do.


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Write A Perfect Blog Post

If you want to become a top blogger, then you have to learn how to blog. How to write a perfect blog post. A blog post is like any other type of article but arguably a little more personal and less formal.

But what does a great blog post look like?

What Is Good Writing?

A good blog post is well-written. But what does that mean?

Well, good writing essentially means that you are efficiently conveying the message that you set out to convey. If you can tell people what you want to tell them in the fewest steps, then you have done well. If you can tell people what you want to tell them in the fewest steps, then you have done well. Thus, a good starting point is to apply ‘Occam’s razor’ to writing by removing superfluous words and ‘filler’. Get to the point quickly and the reader will extract value with less time and effort.

But that doesn’t mean there is no space for flowery language or a large vocabulary. In fact, a great vocabulary is what is going to allow you to convey more meaning in fewer words. One word can have the same meaning as several if you choose it well and it can convey matters of tone and emotion in a subtle way.

The best way to extend your vocabulary?

How To Engage

People are in a hurry these days and are used to getting what they want nearly instantly. That is to say that most people don’t want to wait around in order to get to the point and will instead want to leave if they aren’t instantly captivated.

So how do you get your audience to take notice? How do you stop them from moving on?

One answer is to engage them by choosing a narrative structure. I’ve heard storytelling be called ‘SEO for the human brain’ and the simple fact of the matter is that humans have evolved to enjoy listening to stories. We find stories naturally engaging and will always want to finish them once we read the start.

So instead of talking about the merits of X technique, talk about how you used that technique or how your friend failed to use that technique and suffered as a result. This is inherently more interesting and more emotive, which also makes it more persuasive.

Length And Presentation

While we’re at it, it’s worth considering the best length for your posts and the best way to make sure that people read them. Don’t undersell your great writing by presenting it in a way that’s unappealing!

The first tip then is to try and get the length of your content right. Many experts suggest that long-form content currently does very well on Google and this is certainly true. However, this will limit the amount of content that you can write, and thus you might want to write shorter posts of around 800 words from time to time as well.

The other tip is to always space your content out, use lots of headings, and create distinct paragraphs.

When using these tips, you will see that it will be much easier to write good blog posts. Blog posts that will be read.


Why Isn’t Your Site Blogging?

If you’re one of those bloggers that haven’t made it yet, then chances are that you will know just how frustrating this can be. It can feel a little like screaming into a void – you spend a huge amount of time working on amazing blog posts only to find that no one reads your site and your numbers just don’t go up.

Here’s the bad news… it’s not likely to change any time soon. Being a top blogger takes time and it isn’t something that will happen for you overnight unless you are extremely fortunate.

But being that as it may, you might find that you can improve your fortunes quickly and effectively if you are making one of these very common mistakes…

Your Site Doesn’t Look Professional

Let’s face it: a lot of new blogs out there just donät look all that professional. Yours might well be one of them and there’s a good chance that you’re not even aware of it. It is very hard to be completely objective about our own work!

So, go and take another look at your site now and ask yourself honestly, is this as high quality as the very best blogs in my niche? Can it compete? If the answer is no, then you need to go back to the drawing board and try again! That probably means hiring a professional.

Your Site Is Generic

The former mistake that people make is often a result of their passion. They love the site and they love writing and they can’t be bothered to focus on things like the way it looks.

But this problem is a problem that comes from a lack of passion. That is simply that far too many sites are completely generic and they offer nothing that is unique or that is interesting. For example, how many times have you seen articles out there with titles like:

    • How To Earn Money Online
    • How To Get Abs

These are completely bland and unoriginal titles and as a result, very few people will want to be bothered to click on them. We’ve all read these articles or some variation of them countless times before and thus we donät have any motivation to read them again.

Have a rethink and come back with a blog post that is absolutely unique and so exciting that if you were scrolling past it, you would have to click on it. Now do that again. And again…

You Aren’t Posting Regularly Enough

Here’s a massive mistake that a lot of people make. They think that they can post one every month and become a big blogger.

It seems obvious. But if you want to become a full-time blogger, then you need to treat it like a full-time job. If you blog part-time, you will get part-time results.

Trying To Missguide Google

Mistaken or misguided SEO is all about trying to hack Google. It’s all about trying to trick Google Into Thinking your site is a top authority, by building specific links and by posting keywords. It’s highly technical because it is based on algorithms and systems thinking.

And sometimes this works. But then Google gets wing of whatever new technique is all the rage, it plugs that loophole and the related sites get penalized.

So how about instead focusing on the same thing that Google is focused on? The user. Stop writing for the search engines and write for the readers. When you do this you are doing what Google wants you to do. Google wants to provide useful and entertaining information for its users. And if you get this right, then eventually Google is going to reward you with future updates.

The Most Important Thing

Write well then and write long, high-quality blog posts. If you do this, then you will get people to your site naturally and they will link to your site because they want to share the excellent content they are seeing. This is a great start.

But at the same time, you also do need to build those links. And the thing we do need to take from SEO strategies is that the best links are the ones that come from the most highly regarded websites.

These sites are invariably the ones that Google trusts – and if you want to see which sites Google trusts you can just take a look at the sites it features in its news section. Other popular sites are those that have a .edu TLD (Top Level Domain) or a .gov. Finally, big brands will also invariably be trusted by Google.

If you can get links from those sites, they will boost the credibility of your site by a huge margin. But if you can’t? Then you need to get links from sites that have links from those sites. In other words: you need to think of this like a game of degrees of separation.

When you do a search online on how to do SEO, a lot of that information is misguided and it is one of the biggest issues that holds a lot of bloggers back.  What’s more important than consuming all that information is to focus on just the good information – just the accurate information that is relevant to creating a great blog.

This is everything you need to know to get your blog blogging.


Wrapping Up

If you want to become a top blogger it may not be as easy as you think. Most people don’t succeed at all but if you follow the tips in this blog post you will be closer to succeeding.

Remember to always write high-quality content and post regularly. Your content must be interesting for the reader. This means your title must engage people to read your post and this means that you not should use a title that is unique. For example, how many times have you seen a blog with the title “How To Earn Money Online” or “How To Get Abs”. These titles are neither unique nor interesting.

Another important thing is SEO. This means you should use the SEO techniques Google will like, not the ones Google not will like, and will penalize you for using. Do not misguide Google, this will not work in the long run.



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