How You Can Use Facebook Pages To Generate Traffic

how you can use facebook pages to generate free traffic to your website
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Great Content Will Generate Free Traffic


Facebook Pages are an excellent way for you to generate some free traffic.

But to do that you first have to know what to do and not to do, you need to be clear about what you want to achieve. Start by creating a plan for how you can increase your followers and your engagement levels. How you will convert your Facebook audience into loyal customers and so on.

Set up some goals for Facebook marketing before you create your Facebook Page and your content plan. Too many marketers just approach this in a haphazard way and are then disappointed with the results.


Facebook Pages Mistakes To Avoid

If you want to drive maximum amount of free traffic from your Facebook Page then you need to avoid the mistakes that a lot of other marketers make. A lot of people have a tendency to just jumping right in where Facebook is concerned and end up with no results or even having their accounts closed.

Facebook Is Not An Advertising Platform

You cannot just setup Facebook Pages and then start advertising your offers. This will be seen as spam and your account could be closed very fast. Facebook is a social network so you need to follow the rules to get the best results.

Your first job is to connect with your audience. Provide value in your posts and offer some things for free. Getting your audience to know, like and trust you is the most important thing. It is OK to make some promotional posts but don’t do this all of the time. Facebook users will quickly lose interest in you if you are all about self promotion.

People use Facebook to connect with their friends and family and have fun. They do not tend to use the platform to buy stuff. So you need to use the gentle art of persuasion to get them into your sales funnel. Provide them with value first and then tell them about what you have to offer.

Don’t Use Clickbait

Facebook is clamping down hard on clickbait posts. A few years ago you could use clickbait to get lots of views to your posts but not anymore. A clickbait post is one that deliberately misleads the user and often has a high degree of sensationalism associated with it.

How would you feel if you read a post title that said something like “the real secret to making money online” and then you clicked through to the website only to find that it didn’t reveal the secret at all or expected you to pay for this information? You wouldn’t feel good about this would you, so don’t try these kinds of tactics on your audience.

Provide your users with helpful titles and descriptions in your posts so that they can make their mind up if they want to click through or not. Your audience will appreciate your doing this and so will Facebook. Avoid using misleading, exaggerated or sensational headlines. People will stop reading your posts if you do this.

Facebook doesn’t like users leaving its platform but it knows that this is inevitable. If a user clicks on your link and then comes straight back to Facebook then they will assume that something was wrong with the information that you provided on your website.

By telling your audience what to expect when they click through to your site it is more likely that they will spend more time there. Facebook sees this as a good thing and will reward you with grater reach for your posts.

Optimize Your Website

You do not want Facebook users to click through to your site and then have to wait ages for your pages to load. Your website needs to be as fast as possible so fix any loading speed problems.

As most Facebook users have mobile devices they will not be impressed if your website is not optimized for mobile. There are many ways that you can fix this and you need to test it on your phone or use an online emulator.



Create Content That Users Will Share

You want to get as many shares for your content as possible to generate free traffic from Facebook Pages. It is also a great way to extend your reach as people will share your content with their friends.

Follow the advice below and you will maximize your chances of your content being shared. Assuming that most Facebook users have around 200 friends, then even a low response of 1% will work wonders for your traffic. Remember that these people have friends as well.

Use Emotion In Your Posts

There will always be a lot of competition in a Facebook users news feed so you want your post to stand out. A compelling title is essential, as is using emotion in the post so that you fire up the user which will encourage them to share it with their friends.

You can use a number of emotional triggers in your posts such as:

    • Fear
    • Anxiety
    • Outrage
    • Humor

The more that you can stir the emotions, the more likely it is that your post will get shared.

Make Your Call-To-Action Strong

You need to make it really clear what you want the user to do in your post. Don’t assume that they will know what to do because they won’t. If you want users to share your post then make this clear to them. Ask them to think about the friends that they have who would benefit from reading the post.

Good Images Get More Shares

Facebook is a visual platform so add images to your posts. Don’t just use stock photos as a lot of other marketers do. Striking images that have good captions are the best for sharing. You can easily add a caption to your image by using a free online graphics service such as

Using related images is important. Let’s say that your post is about motivation – you could use an image of a person winning a race for example and add a capture as “You can win your race too”.

Posts That Feature Other People

When you create posts that include others you will increase the likelihood of them being shared. A good example of this is an interview with an expert in your niche. You can create a small sample of the interview for the Facebook post and then link to your website for the full interview.

Make it your business to know who the people are in your niche that your audience really respects. Find them and follow them and make a contribution to their page by adding a useful comment. Invite them to participate in an interview with you. Most people will accept your invitation.

Another good ‘people’ oriented post is the ’roundup’. This is where a number of niche influencers have contributed to an article on your website. You can mention their names in your Facebook posts and then provide a link to your article.


Give Your Audience What They Want

It is important that you post the right type of content on Facebook. You need to bear in mind that you are competing with a lot of other content in the news feeds of your audience. When you give your audience what they want then you will get a lot more views and increase your engagement levels through commenting, liking and sharing.

Identify Your Target Audience

The more that you know about your audience on Facebook the better results you can achieve. Start by creating a persona that describes your ideal audience member. You can create a good persona by asking the following questions:

    • What is their gender?
    • What is their age range?
    • Where are they located?
    • What are their interests?
    • What income levels do they have?

There are a lot more questions that you can come up with here. Look online for some good resources on creating the ideal customer persona. Take your time to make this as accurate as possible. It is really important.

What Problems Does Your Audience Have?

When you know what problems your audience has you can plan your Facebook content so that you address these questions. By doing this they will perceive you as an expert in your niche and will be more likely to check you out further by visiting your website.

Do your homework here. If you are in the make money online niche then think about the problems that people want to solve:

    • How Can they make more commissions?
    • How can they get more traffic to their offers?
    • How can they rank their website on Google?
    • How Can they achieve more conversions?
    • What online business model should they use?
    • Which web hosting is the best?
    • How can they build a high converting sales funnel?

There are always problems in all niches. You can join related Facebook Groups and follow related Facebook Pages and find out what questions members ask the most. When you can solve the problems of your audience they will love you forever.

What Kind Of Content Does Your Audience Like Most?

If you have been using Facebook for a while you can go into Facebook Insights and see which of your posts were the most popular. Examine these posts carefully to determine what made them a hit with your audience.

You can then use this information to shape your future Facebook posts. It is not a good idea to post about the same subjects all of the times as your audience could quickly lose interest. Just figure out the format and other details of winning posts and use this same formula again.

If you don’t have a history of posts then again you can turn to Facebook Groups to find out which posts are popular with your audience. This is easy to see from the number of comments, likes and shares that a post has.

Plan Your Content

Once your audience starts to consume your content they will want more and more of it so you need to post on a regular basis so that you don’t disappoint them. Stick to a posting schedule so your audience knows when to expect your next post.



Wrapping Up

As you can see there are a lot of things you can do to drive more traffic to your website from Facebook. But one common thing is your content, the quality of your content, and that you share content that your audience are looking for. That you create posts that answer the questions that your audience may have, that your audience are looking for. If you do that, they will find you as a true expert and this will increase your credibility. They will se you as an authority in your niche and they will then check out your Facebook Page more often and also share your posts. This way you will get more high quality traffic to your website.



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