4 Short Tips To Build Your Online Brand

using facebook live to build your online brand
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Using Facebook Live To Build Your Brand


(Re-published 2021-02-24)

Using Facebook Live to build your online brand is perfect and should be used by everyone. With Facebook Live you have the opportunity to establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche. This should and can include a large group of digital marketers like social media marketers and would make Facebook Live to a platform that a lot of people use.

So, if you are one of them who are planning on creating live content but don’t have much experience with creating video content this is for you.


4 Short Tips To Start With Facebook Live

If you not are an experience marketer working with YouTube and Live Video, this tips will help you create more engaging and professional videos.

  • Video Quality – Video quality makes a huge difference on YouTube. On Facebook Live of course this isn’t such a big issue because most is using their own phone to make a live video. But it can make a big difference if you invest in a phone with a high quality camera. However, even more important is that your video is bright. Even a low quality video will look much clearer crisper if the room has lots of light. Either invest in a light box or try to use natural light. Aim for “Rembrandt lightning” which means lightning your face from one side more then the other.
  • Audio – Your audios is equally important. Make sure that you record your sound using a lapel mic or a phone with a clear built in microphone. Speak slowly and clearly and think as will about the acoustics of the room you are in. This can make a surprisingly big difference. Avoid echoing spaces where possible and think about your background noise. If people can’t hear what you are saying they will leave.
  • Presenting – Being a good presenter is about being engaging and clear. It is also about being charismatic and smart. Try to dress for the occasion but likewise don’t look overdressed as this will just make you look desperate. Go for effortlessly smart and try watching your favorite YouTube for tips.
  • Set – Finally, think about your ‘set’. The area you film in is very important and will make a big difference. In particular, try to avoid filming anywhere their is too much activity behind you that could be distracting. Likewise, avoid filming anywhere that looks untidy or unprofessional. Your living room is not a good choice if their is lots of rubbish strewn around the place.



Conclusion – How To Build Your Online Brand

This was just four sort tips to think about if you want to use Facebook Live to build your online brand. However, they are short but important. If you stay to these four tips and always have them in your mind I’m sure you will make nice live videos.

There are so much more to tell about Facebook Live and how you can build your online brand using live videos. This was just the basic and I hope it will help you with your Facebook Live marketing and build your online brand with it.


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